5 Reasons To Be A Programmer

Alfonso Murillo
3 min readApr 21, 2022

About four years ago, I decided to dedicate my life entirely to the world of programming and believe me, I don’t regret that decision. Today I want to share 5 reasons why you should be a programmer, this article is for all those who are interested in the whole world of programming and want to get into it, but still have their doubts.

Photo by Emile Perron on Unsplash

1. If You Can Imagine It, You Can Program It

Programming is a superpower, imagine that you have a million-dollar idea about an app, if you don’t know how to program you would simply ignore it, but having the right knowledge you would start working on it. Regardless of what programming language you learn, you will have in your hands a series of tools that will allow you to create any digital product from scratch until its respective market launch.

2. High Labor Demand

One of the most demanded careers in the labor market is that of a professional capable of producing web pages, mobile applications, software, video games, etc.

And how do you do all this? Programming.

According to the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), by 2025 it is estimated that Latin America will require 1.2 million programmers to meet the demand for employment that is required in this field, imagine, and you still do not want to be part of this? Well, wait until you read the minimum salary of a programmer in Latin America, this is between 600 and 2000 dollars per month, not bad compared to other jobs in our region.

3. You Will Be Able To Create The Next Unicorn Company Of Your Country

A unicorn company is one that has a value equal to or greater than 1 billion dollars, For example: Rappi, Nubank, Loft, Bitso…

Many of these companies started with a group of young people who lived in a middle class, had an idea, knew how to program and had enormous ambition. What is the difference between these young people and you?, what stops you from founding the next unicorn company in your country?.

I know you’re thinking that this is too unreal for you, it’s fine I respect your opinion, but I advise you to dream big. You may not start a big company, but if you can get to have an online business, sell software that solves a specific problem or an app that generates advertising revenue, there are many possibilities, you just have to be creative.

4. Programming Is For Everyone

Perhaps at first it can be very difficult, a lot of information will come to your head, and you will discover a totally new universe, but keep calm, little by little you will get used to it, and you will be able to better understand the concepts and jargon of this cosmos called programming.

Don’t think that you are not good for this, learning a programming language is like learning a new language, you must be constant and always, but always practice, do not be afraid of making mistakes, what is more, I don’t know a single programmer who has not made a mistake in his life, you will understand that mistakes are the daily bread in this job, and you will learn how to face them and find a solution.

Never stop practicing, stay informed of what is currently used the most, and learn constantly.

5. It’s Fun

This last point is already a more personal question, it seems to me that programming is one of the funniest things I do in my day to day, looking for that error within 1000 lines of code to finally realize that it was a damn semicolon.

Believe me, if you get to like this you will never stop doing it, because you will always have new ideas to develop, new languages to learn and new bugs to solve.

The truth can only be found in one place: the code. Robert C Martin

I hope this motivates you to make the decision to become a programmer, if you were thinking about it, if not think about it anyway, you can add it as a plus to your current career.

My social networks in case you have any questions:

Instagram: @alf_m22

Twitter: @alf_m22

Don’t forget to follow me for more content :) (I would really appreciate it)



Alfonso Murillo

I am 16 years old, passionate about web, mobile, software and video game programming. Faithful student of Platzi :)